Certification Service

Certification Service

Certification service mainly involves aerospace, rail transit, marine and electric & electronic industries, with certifications mostly on environment and energy, information technology, secondary party audit, electric & electronic products. The certification and evaluation results have received government admission and social recognition. The public documents include general documents regarding qualification and competence, certification process, fees, certificates, etc. The platform utilizes “Internet +” technology. Public users and corporate users can search informations about certification process, certificate details and result of certification,etc. via the database platform set up by Composites Industry Center.

Item Content
  • ISO 9001:to ensure products and services always meet customers’ requirements.
  • ISO 14001:to measure and improve environmental performance.
  • ISO 45001:to improve occupational health and safety, mitigate organizational risks and protect workers.
  • ISO 27001:to protect the safety of informations, intellectual properties, employee details and other data of customers and suppliers.
  • ISO 50001:to enhance energy efficiency, reduce costs, meet and exceed customers’expectations.
Environment and energy
  • ISO 9001: Quality control system
  • ISO 45001: Occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS)
  • ISO 50001:Energy management system
  • ISO 14064:Greenhouse gas verification
  • PAS 2050: Carbon footprint
  • ISO 14067:Carbon footprint
  • ISO/IEC 27001:Information security management system
  • Water footprint verification
  • Sustainability report
Information technology
  • E-commerce
  • Cloud service
  • Intelligent laboratory management
Secondary party audit
  • Quality control system audit
  • Environment management system audit
  • Green factory evaluation
  • Social responsibility audit
  • Carbon verification
  • Carbon inventory
  • Carbon footprint and water footprint evaluation
Electric and electronic products
  • RoHS Certification
  • REACH Certification
  • ISO 9001: Quality control system
  • ISO 45001: Occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS)
  • ISO 50001: Energy management system
  • ISO/IEC 27001:Information security management system
  • ISO 14064: Greenhouse gas verification
  • ISO 14067: Carbon footprint
  • Sustainability report
Business goals
  • Quality: to ensure the quality of services and products in all professions.
  • Society and sustainability: to testify the conformity to the requirements of stakeholders for the social responsibility and other sustainable developments of enterprises.
  • Safety: to ensure the safety of products in the supply chain and the integrity of data and systems.
  • Risk management: to provide environmental, occupational health/safety and energy management service to enterprises.